
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2020

Friday 31 January, 2020

Today I had a face image where I have to make certain points appear according to the surgery I described, however I had problems with the responsive, the way to solve it was instead of giving it a position with px was with percentage was as it was solved, this week I could not finish because until the afternoon I was provided with the video and I still do not provide the other images.

Thursday 30, January, 2020

Today I finished with the mobile and PC structure of my project on the page of Doctor Jaime, I still have to pass information such as images and some texts, but if they pass it to me before the end of this week, I would send it to internal review to see if it is approved.

Wednesday, 29 January 2019

Today I made the functionality of two buttons and according to what you press, information is hidden or hidden, in the same way I finished the skeleton of the entire website of Dr. Jaime, I am just waiting for information and images, the measures of I pass them to design and I hope they have them as soon as possible to finish this project. This is the progress of my personal project.

Tuesday 28, January, 2020

Today, I was asked to make the page of the creative director of the company in order to be a business card to avoid a project to Bachoco, it was something relatively simple, however if I take today to do so that today I could not advance in my personal project of doctor jaime, I hope that tomorrow I can advance more to the website of my personal project.

Monday 27 January, 2020

Today I returned to simpler, we started with the weekly meeting as I missed those meetings, I was presented again, I was assigned as a personal project to make the page of a surgeon named Jaime, I delivered some mockup and it is as it should be seen in the test league: https://massimple.mx/test/drjaime/ I hope I don't know I forgot to know how to do it hahaha.